

啊 朋友們
請聽呀聽呀聽呀 我唱歌來問候

情呀情呀情呀 我能夠幫助你

並呀並呀並呀 秋天和嚴冬

令呀令呀令你 心呀心呀心歡暢

5 則留言:

Pinta uma estrela 提到...


I was looking funny when I find your blog...

I am portuguese and I am gemini as you and my blog has the same look at yours...

I am in day 14th january and at same time you are in day 15th..isnt that wonderful??

I would like to ask you, if you can teach me how to add windows media player to my blog as well you have...please...can you teach me??? Thanks so much

爛草莓 提到...

Hello, Pinta uma estrela:

Yes, it's wonderful. But I don't know why, I can't find your blog. So I post the reply here.

If you want to add windows media player to your blog, you can use HTML script like this:
(embed src="the file's URL" width=325 height=300 autostart=false)

You have to paste the correct file URL into it, and you can change the "width", "height" for your need. Just remember, you must change ( ) into < > , or it will not work.

And then, enter "Page Elements" of the blog settings, choice "Add a Page Element" , post the HTML script into the blank space.

That's all, hope it can help you^^

潔膚症 提到...


爛草莓 提到...


潔膚症 提到...
